Award Achievements
Predeina A. L., Panaite A., Gigoux V., Pellegrino T.
Metal-organic Framework-based Magnetic Composites as Drug Delivery System for Cancer Treatment
Pellegrino T.
Nomination as National Committee member for the Coast Action CA23132 - Magnetic Particle Imaging for next-generation theranostics and medical research (NexMPI)
Sojkova T., Rizzo G. M. R., Di Girolamo A., Avugadda S. K., Soni N., Milbrandt N. B., Hu T. H., Kubena I., Sojka M., Silvestri N., Samia A. C., Groger R., Pellegrino T.
Back Cover page for the Chemistry of Materials article published by my group with title 'Core–Shell FeO/Fe3O4 to Magnetite Nanocubes: Enhancing Magnetic Hyperthermia and Imaging Performance by Thermal Annealing'
Pellegrino T.
Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) of Nano Letters, an American Chemical Society journal
Pellegrino T.
Associated Editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry for the journals Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances
Pellegrino T.
Women in Materials Science Collection published by Advanced Materials: highlight the work 'Fe3O4@Au@Cu2−xS Heterostructures Designed for Tri-Modal Therapy: Photo-Magnetic Hyperthermia and 64Cu RadioInsertion
Pellegrino T.
Energy Spotlight New Advances in Energy Storage and Perovskite Nanocrystals (Spot light to our ACS Energy Letters manuscript )
Sahitya Kumar A., Dina N., Aidin L., Pellegrino T.
Controlled clustering of iron oxide nanocubes for magnetic fluid hyperthermia treatment.
Silvestri N., Gavilan H., Pellegrino T.
Special award "Marco Paganuzzi" for my team’s business idea
Silvestri N., Gavilan H., Pellegrino T.
Special award "Ricci and Partners" for the creation of an innovative start-up
Principal Investigator
Advanced Materials for Sustainable Future Technologies