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Electrostatic actuation of 2D-materials-based heterostructures for in situ twistronics

The discovery of superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene in 2018 led to the emergence of twistronics, which is the study of how the relative angle between layers of two-dimensional materials can modify their properties. Twisted structures can exhibit a Moiré lattice and have varying electronic behavior depending significantly on the angle between the layers. Several techniques have been developed to fabricate layered heterostructures with controlled rotation between the layers, although the Moiré patterns have typically been static. Recent research has demonstrated that Moiré patterns can be tuned by rotating adjacent layers using the atomic force microscopy technique, which allows for the study of how properties evolve as the twist angle varies. Dynamic control of rotatable heterostructures has the potential to provide a relatively simple platform for exploring exotic quantum effects, creating new opportunities with disruptive technological implications for areas such as quantum computing and optoelectronics. 2DTWIST aims to develop a new technique that enables active, dynamic, and automated control of Moiré geometry in 2D heterostructures in a single device through electrostatic actuation. This approach will allow for more precise and in-situ twist of adjacent layers, making it possible to explore how emergent properties depend on Moiré geometry and to achieve controlled angle-dependent properties within a single device.

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Project information
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People involved
Nicola Curreli
Advanced Materials for Sustainable Future Technologies
Total budget: 149.308,96€
Total contribution: 149.308,96€